Monthly Archives: May 2011

When Planning

May. × ’11

Build your tent for the hurricane
protect your dreams from reality
fail spectacularly, dance in the rain
Do not wonder what you can maintain
blindly picture Utopian lands
build your tent for the hurricane
to fail like others would be mundane
the world is vicious, don’t be afraid
fail spectacularly, dance in the rain
The cogs will come to make you sane
wonder what else [...]

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Spring Windowsill

May. × ’11

In the neat windowsill box
patiently waiting all winter
spring has bugged
a spider in my tub
ants on the counter
mushrooms making way
amidst the aloe
New York City hibernates
more than most
limited life lost
streets darkened early
making hesitant hermits
hate each other more
and themselves most
but spring creeps
suddenly there
aloe must greet mushroom
new ideas abound
and your apartments grow hot
forced hellos happen
still spraying Raid
I am secretly [...]

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Complementary Angles

May. × ’11

When A and B add up to 90 degrees
everything is right
Right like an organized room
someone else’s eyes internalized
Internalized ideas of everything
equations in what we speak
A does not compliment B
A is A, B is B
There is no room to rattle
In 90 degrees life is fixed
The whole 360 business
Is all in how you see it
You are not [...]

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Bounded Intervals

May. × ’11

Your prior knowledge pales
by comparison
you’ve been to Jersey
and Puerto Rico if you’re lucky
He’s cruised
multiple places around the world
His parents use words
he’s never heard
around the dinner table
discourse ensuing
My class averages improve
central tendency groups
near the middle
creeps towards equality
thereof some version
Not that your gifts don’t matter too
you’re naturally smarter
know what to do
in more varied situations
socially astute
And yet I’d [...]

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Adjacent Angles

May. × ’11

Like a pantomime
of an invisible wall
I can still feel you

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The Angle of Depression and Elevation

May. × ’11

The angle of depression does not vary.
Without fail, your face will hit the ground
at said time if you jump
the bird unlearned
how to fly will thump when
But where it goes?
No one knows how many beats of wings
it takes to get to undisclosed place
of comfort of cloud
of stratosphere strung out
cotton-candided bliss
of balanced suspension
And it is hard to [...]

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